Stick your head in the Cloud: Top Five Reasons Why Microsoft Ignite 2019 is Important

Microsoft Ignite 2019 is this week (November 3-8, 2019) in Orlando, Florida. For an IT professional focused on Office 365, it’s not to be missed. It is THE place to:

  1. Find out what’s coming next and find out what you’ve missed
    1. Next ranges from what is showing up in your tenant THIS WEEK to what’s going to be available 6 months down the road.
    2. Hear from top Microsoft leaders, including Satya Nadella, delivering the highest level announcements and vision statement, as well as Office 365 leaders like Jeff Teper, talking about the road ahead for information workers.
    3. Microsoft will usually recap what they have delivered on that they promised earlier in the year (spring) at SharePoint Conference.
  2. Network with your peers

    Learn from others in a variety of settings ranging from formal roundtable discussions to people you meet at meals

  3. Meet with Microsoft.

    Meet the people who make the products that you use to run your business.

  4. Meet vendors.

    The Expo Hall is the place to find out about many of the products that work with Microsoft products and services

  5. Learn about almost every Microsoft technology you could be interested in.

    There are literally hundreds of sessions, which will all become hundreds of hours of video. You can find the entire session catalog at